A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 13

Part 13: He isn’t me

The video player is set up to play the video on loop. While Wei Wei is still entranced, the player has already started playing it again, the lively flute music starts, the figure of the heroine in red dazzles on screen, and is just about to charge down the mountain on her horse in matchless grandeur.

Wei Wei quickly closes it. Now that she knows the ending, it is a bit depressing to watch the spoof in the beginning. She doesn’t have any desire to watch it again.

Wei Wei opens the minimized game and sends NaiHe a message: “I finished watching it. It was really good.”

After she insipidly types out these words, Wei Wei has nothing else to say. Actually, her mind is clearly filled with thoughts, but she doesn’t know how to verbalize them. Can she actually say that it almost drew her to tears?

That seems pretty foolish, sigh = =

Looking for something to say, she asks: “You changed the ending?”


Just as she sent the message, NaiHe’s name lights up and with great speed, his reply comes back. “Uh-huh, I changed it. Otherwise, the length would not have been long enough.”

“You’re back ^_^~~length? What length?”

Wei Wei is a bit puzzled. Is he talking about the length of the video? But from her recollection, there isn’t a length requirement.

NaiHe: “In the detailed rules and regulations for the competition, it says that, if the length of the video exceeds half an hour, the experience and other rewards will multiple if it wins.”

NaiHe: “Since we already made it, then we should take all that there is.”

Wei Wei feels silly. Indeed, she didn’t notice this rule, but….classmate Great Master, how are you so certain that we will win… Read more