A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 17

Part 17: For My Wife to Play With

When people say that enemies often cross each other’s paths, this is probably what it’s like.

Wei Wei looks at those across from her; she can’t help but feel speechless about her and NaiHe’s opponents in their first battle of the points accumulation round.


The couples PK competition finally begins on Friday after much wait.  The first round is points accumulation competitions; it will take half a month and there are no audiences to watch the games.  The opponents are randomly picked by the system; the participating couple just needs to click on the NPC and they will be taken to a battling field.  They won’t know who their opponents are until they get there.

YuGong and the others send Wei Wei and NaiHe off as they click on the NPC to enter the field.  The moment they enter it, Wei Wei is dumbfound —-their opponents, standing on the other side of the field, are actually RealWaterIsScentless and LittleRainYaoYao (LittleRainEnchantress).



Participating players don’t begin their PK battles right away; the system sets up a 3-minute preparation time before the battle.  NaiHe glances at their opponents and says casually: “I’ll take care of LittleRainYaoYao.”

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