A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 18

Part 18: The Finals

ButterflyDreams greets Wei Wei: “Wei Wei.”

Wei Wei: “ButterflyDreams, you’re also in the competition?”

ButterflyDreams: “Yeah, of course I have to take part in such a big competition.”


The two chat for a little.  Although Wei Wei and BattleTheWorld aren’t on good terms, she won’t let this get in the way of her friendship with ButterflyDreams; it looks like ButterflyDreams also feels the same way.

They are in a competition nonetheless, so they don’t chat for long; the battle begins after the 3-minute wait.

ButterflyDreams isn’t an expert in PK battles, so she isn’t on the leaderboard.  Her skill used to be above Wei Wei’s, but since she hasn’t been playing for a while, Wei Wei has caught to her with all her equipment upgrades.  Therefore, their skill level is on par.

As a result, ASmileNaiHe and BattleTheWorld are the deciding factor on which side will win.

The winning couple of this round cannot be more obvious.

After the PK battle, ButterflyDreams sends a private message: “Wei Wei, let’s find a place to talk.”

Wei Wei sends a nodding head smiley.

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