A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 19

Part 19: Realization

Wei Wei isn’t worried since the Great Master has never come late, but it’s also normal for him to be a few minutes behind.  The clock continues ticking; 7:45pm comes before she knows it.  Wei Wei is starting to worry.  Although she knows that NaiHe is not online, she can’t help but to send him a message——

“Are you there?”

Naturally, she doesn’t get a response.

Two minutes later, she sends another one.  Wei Wei stops sending them after a while and refreshes NaiHe’s name continuously instead; the system reminds her repeatedly that the player is not online, so she cannot refresh his profile.

YuGong, MonkeyWine, and the others are also in grey.

Not online.



Wei Wei shows up in front of the NPC at the entrance by herself.  The team setup symbol sits on top of her avatar, but she is the only one present in the team.

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The Destruction of a Triad Boss Trilogy (一个黑道大哥的毁灭三部曲) – Wu Xiu Long Xiang (无袖拢香) : Part 3

3. The second step towards destruction

The days of dying with dignity and live with endurance passed one by one. When the school term ended, the two of us brought back our report cards. No one could tell that she was actually very smart. But once she concentrated on studying, her grades rose up very quickly. At the end of the term, she actually tested to be second place in the grade. Comparatively, I was average; didn’t even make it to top 50.

Grandma, Dad, and Mom were very happy and praised Mei Mei for being smart. But Mei Mei had an expression like she had just found her idol in the trashbin, and said, “How can this be? How can this be? Ge Ge is so smart, how can he not test higher than me?”

I couldn’t stand it, but I had to! It had to do with a man’s honor! With my purple face, I blathered, “Of course I can, it’s just that my stomach wasn’t feeling well on the day of the test, so I didn’t test well.

Grandma, Dad and Mom all had shocked expressions on their faces. Only that stupid Mei Mei suddenly nodded with understanding, “That’s right. Like I said, Ge Ge is extremely awesome.”

Grandma and them were all snickering. I couldn’t hold my expression any longer, so escaped from everyone’s eyes, but was still reluctant to admit my mistake, “Just wait, next term, I’ll definitely surpass you.”

*Sigh*, that hateful honor of men! During the new term, in order not to lose honor in front of Mei Mei, I made an all-out effort in studies and eventually got first place on the podium at the end of the term. This shocked everyone. Only Mei Mei had on a fame follows merit — that was the way things ought to be — expression. Read more