A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 21

Part 21: I Was Waiting For You

Xiao Ling believes that life is full of surprises.

For example, on the night before the level 6 exam (College English Test), Wei Wei has actually dragged her out to go shopping.

Alright, although Wei Wei says this is to let herself relax from all the studying before the exam, there’s still no need to get all excited and rush to the clothing stores near the school……


Er Xi and Si Si are also amazed by this.

They head back to the dorm room after dinner just to find out that both Xiao Ling and Wei Wei are not there.  Their books are still on the table, so they clearly haven’t gone to self-study.  Er Xi decides to send Xiao Ling a text message out of curiosity.

Xiao Ling quickly replies—–accompanying Wei Wei to buy clothes.

Er Xi is flabbergasted.  She asks which store they’re at and pulls Si Si with her to go see.  Once they arrive and push open the door, Wei Wei just happens to be walking out of the fitting room.

Er Xi and Si Si are frozen at the entrance.

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