A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 29

Part 29: The most terrific party in history

In 0.1 seconds, Wei Wei rushes offline.


During the first second she’s off, Wei Wei’s thoughts are: Good thing I ran quickly.

After a second, Wei Wei starts thinking back over it: Why the heck did I go offline. It was just a joke. Wouldn’t running off like this make it seem like I have a guilty conscience? This won’t do! One must behave with calmness. If one isn’t actually calm, then one must appear matchlessly calm.

Therefore, Wei Wei crawls on again. As soon as she goes on, she sees her husband, with his white robes lightly flowing in the wind, standing together with MoZhaHim. Scrambling to speak before they do, Wei Wei sends an angry emoticon.

“I got disconnected (connection dropped)!”

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