A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 34

Part 34: The Truth

Wei Wei looks at him, unable to shift her gaze, and suddenly feels a bit of uneasiness.

She doesn’t like this at all.  It’s as if he has become an object for fighting back and showing off; and also in a circumstance that he isn’t even aware of.

Er Xi observes her expression and says nervously, “Wei Wei, you’re not backing out last minute now, are you?!”

What do you mean backing out last minute?  When did she ever say she wanted to fight?!

Wei Wei glares at her while feeling depressed inside.  They’re supposed to be going out for dinner, but with this going on, a simple dinner gathering has become complicated.

Forget it.  She’ll just pretend that those people are not there.  They just happen to be eating at the same restaurant.  With that in mind, Wei Wei reminds her roommates, “You guys better focus on eating and talk less.”

She realizes that that isn’t right since French cuisine is expensive, so she quickly adds, “Don’t eat too much either!”

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