A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 40

Part 40: The Little Intern


It doesn’t matter whether Wei Wei did use her lovely charm or not, or what the process was. In short, on Monday morning, Xiao Nai punctually appears at the foot of Xiao Ling’s building to take Wei Wei to the company together.

Today, Wei Wei is wearing a white blouse paired with a black skirt bottom. The description makes it seem very professional, but that’s not actually the case. The blouse is a bit childish in style. The two sides of the skirt are sewed with folds with a bow strapped around her slender waist. She looks both cute and classy.

By chance, Xiao Nai, also, actually has on a simple white shirt with black pants. With the two of them walking side by side, they look as if they had deliberately wore a couple’s outfit. They look both energetic and relaxed, continuously drawing the gaze of those passing by. Read more