A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 45

Part 45: Let Me Be Your Follower

After that day, ButterflyDreams called Wei Wei to apologize.  Wei Wei told her politely that it was okay.  She was able to tell her “it was okay” so easily because Wei Wei will not consider her as a friend anymore.

Perhaps she had a reason; something she could not explain to her.  But friends shouldn’t deceive and use each other like that.

ButterflyDreams seemed to realize this and can only let out a sigh.  She never contacted Wei Wei again.


Wei Wei continues to be a lively little intern.  She has become more and more familiar with the employees at Zhi Yi, but there is a downside to knowing each other too well.  For example, just the day before, when she suggested some recommendations for the family simulation content at the creativity brainstorming meeting, although everyone applauded the idea, they quickly went awry. Read more