A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : A Beauty’s Smile is Also Charming Part 5

Part 5: Mr. Homemaker’s Tactics (outline of events)

Ever since KO moved into MoZhaHim’s place, he has been studying the weather every day.  After N days later, he has finally decided that today is the day.

Today’s weather: sunny in the morning, rain and thunderstorm in the afternoon.

Tomorrow’s weather: cloudy and then scattered showers.

The day after tomorrow: cloudy and scattered showers.

Not recommended for hanging clothes out to dry.

KO draws a circle on the calendar.  In early morning, he takes his duvet cover, bed sheets, and pillow out to the balcony.  When MoZhaHim walks to the balcony in his briefs to fetch his shirt (for the sake of good food, he gave the room with the balcony to KO), he is startled by all the things that are spread over the balcony.

“You’re putting your sheets out for the sun?”

KO walks past him staring straight, and then comments, “The weather is nice today.” Read more