Memory Lost (美人为馅): Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Jin Xi’s Grief

“He could be a psychopath now.  This means that as long as he desires, this whole city will be his hunting ground.”

After Bai Jin Xi finishes her sentence, everybody is in dead silence.

She’s also stunned herself.

It’s a strange feeling.  When she was at Guanhu Station before, she obviously couldn’t possibly have dealt with a serial killer case.  Then why does this all feel so familiar to her after speaking about it just now: nervousness, coldness, and a hint of……excitement.

It’s as if, this isn’t the first time she’s like this.

There’s no time for her to think deeper because an investigator has brought the neighbour living across from Chen Xi Xian over.  She and Xiao Zhuan immediately go over.


The neighbour is a housewife in her thirties.  She’s standing outside the door of where the incident happened, looking pale.

“We don’t have much contact with the young fellow across from us.  We’ve bumped into him a few times in the hallway though.  He always had his earphones on by himself, and didn’t like to talk to others,” she says, “but you could tell that he didn’t work, and stayed home all day.  His garbage was all piled up outside the door.  The janitor scolded him every time.  Miss Officer, did he get killed by a gang member?”

Jin Xi asks, “Why do you think that?” Read more