Memory Lost (美人为馅): Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Him Alone

In Xia Zi’s view, what happened last year October is a small little prick buried inside her heart.  She doesn’t think about it often, but whenever the name “Gu Ran” comes across her mind occasionally, she feels guilty and afraid.  Of course, she also feels a certain kind of excitement and thrill from hiding a big secret.

She remembers clearly that it was on October 11 of last year, the third day of the second annual ultimate CS wild combat and survival game in Province K.  She and Zhang Mu Han, Gu Ran, and Professor Sun were members of the fourth team.  Ke Fan, Fang Xu, Yan Er and Li Ming Yue were main players of another team.

Despite every team had a different route and mission, there were many participants at the time.  But Gu Ran, this beautiful girl, had attracted many gazes of the male players on the first day of the competition.  Xia Zi remembers that in the first two nights, every time they completed their missions, there would be male players coming and trying to converse with Gu Ran.  But Gu Ran was…how should she say it?  She always had a sweet smile on her face as if she was a bit shy, but the way she talked and moved made her seem easy going as if she could have a chat with anyone. Read more