Memory Lost (美人为馅): Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The Second Person Part 2

Jin Xi opens the box.

It indeed contains her lump of black necklace.  It’s just that the pendant has been cut into five pieces.  Although the outside is black, it’s silver white inside.  There’s an analysis report under the box.

Xiao Zhuan picks up the report and starts reading, “Composition: platinum.  Due to heavy impacts and reaction with other chemical materials, its color has changed and morphed into a different shape……”

Jin Xi fiddles with the five pieces and takes a closer look at them in the light.  She can make out a few blurry marks.

“S……hea……my……” she murmurs.

Xiao Zhuan continues to read, “After analysis, the characters engraved on the inside of the platinum are……”

“s;hmyheart,” Jin Xi says it out before he does.

She lowers her head while grasping the pieces in her hand.



Su Mian and Han Chen; my true heart.

Han Chen and Su Mian; forever in love. Read more

Memory Lost (美人为馅): Chapter 77

Chapter 77: The Second Person Part 1

Su Mian.

Su Mian.

My……Su Mian.

A low male voice resonates in her head.  Her eyes are closed as she scrunches her eyebrows.

Who is he calling for?  Who is Su Mian?

Who is…she?


In the confusing dream, the feeling of pain and suffocation comes back again.  But this time, the images that she sees are clearer than before.

She sees a blazing fire blocking everything in view;

She sees the airwaves from the explosion reaching her as if it could swallow the whole pacific ocean;

The earth is collapsing, and her soul is screaming in despair……

And then, she sees Han Chen. Read more

Memory Lost (美人为馅): Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Giving Up Love for the Rest of Life Part 4

That night when Situ Yi was detained by the police, Shao Lun was walking around the station.  He was hoping that Situ Yi would be charged.  But he was afraid of being exposed at the same time.

And two days later, when he saw Situ Yi released without a single wound, only calmness was left in his heart again; a calm sense of anger.  He knew this would be the outcome, didn’t he?  It’s okay, he had already prepared a big present for Situ Yi!

It’s just that when we woke up after being drunk that night, he discovered that the woman was still tied to the chair without a single wound.  She looked at him full of fright.

He lifted up his wine bottle and gulped down a mouthful again.

And then he started to pick one out of the torture instruments hanging on the walls around him.  He had observed every wound on each of the dead bodies many times before.  They had been engraved deeply in his mind.  He closed his eyes.  The wooden bat and the sharp knife hit and stabbed the woman’s body……until she was dead. Read more

Memory Lost (美人为馅): Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Giving Up Love for the Rest of Life Part 3

Shao Lun’s interrogation officially begins at 8am.

Han Chen and Chatterbox are the ones interrogating him while Xu Nan Bai, as the criminal psychologist, participates as a listener.

“We have already gathered a vast amount of evidence of your crime.  Do you admit to kidnapping, hurting, and torturing Han Sha, Ye Xiang Qing, Zhou Si Jin, and Zhao Hao Hao?” Chatterbox asks.

The last time they inquired about it, Shao Lun was untalkative and was a bit sentimental.  But now he looks as if all energy has been sucked out of his body as he slouches in his chair with his head down and not moving.

“I did it,” he says softly.

“Why did you do it?” Chatterbox asks with a stern voice.

He lifts his head.  His fair white face is red and his eyes are filled with hatred, “The police are useless!  No one believed that Situ Yi was the killer!  I did it to let the world see his true nature!” Read more