A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 2

Part 2: Wei Wei kidnaps the groom? ◎______◎

8:30 PM on the dot.

The heroine in red, with a sword on her back, stands majestically on Vermillion Bird Bridge in Chang’an City.

This is the spot that the marriage sedan must pass through during weddings.


Getting married in “Dream Voyage in Rivers and Lakes” can either be very luxurious or very plain and simple. At the time, when Wei Wei and RealWater got married, it was very plain and simple because they were poor. They just went to Yue Lao (God of marriage and love) and got notarized.  Plus, they got married in order to do a quest, so they didn’t really care about holding a celebration.

But today, RealWater and LittleRainYaoYao’s wedding scene is, undoubtedly, crazy luxurious.

There are hundreds of fireworks, gongs and drums to clear the way, eight person supported marriage sedan to parade through the streets, and an entire top notch restaurant booked for the wedding reception. It is said that everyone at the wedding reception will be sent a red envelope gift of 888 Gold.

In the game, there has already been continuous discussion about this wedding already. After all, LittleRainYaoYao has a reputation and RealWaterIsScentless isn’t a nameless character either. It is said even players from other servers were alerted about it. Some even created a new smurf (alternate, low-level) account to come and see the wedding.


On Vermillion Bird Bridge, the heroine in red continues to stand there without moving, her slim figure emitting an austere expression.

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