A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 7

Part 7: LittleRain Clan

Thinking about this quest’s miserable experience, Wei Wei is a bit sympathetic towards him. But while she might be sympathetic, this person’s speech is, honestly, detestable. Whatever, let me slash him a couple more times first. In any case, this is done by the computer automatically; her hand will not be sore.

Thus, Wei Wei goes to steep tea and drink water. She chats a few lines with NaiHe, but it seems like NaiHe is also doing something else. His replies are not very fast. Wei Wei simply bows her head and starts working on problems.

After doing a page of reading, she lifts her head and sees that there are three more female players by the Celestial Mountains Snow Basins. Their IDs are LittleRainQingQing (LittleRainForeverYoung), LittleRainFeiFei (LittleRainSnowfall), LittleRainMianMian (ContinuousLittleRain.)

LittleRain clan?

Why are they here?

LittleRainQingQing is currently saying: “Hey, why are you ignoring us?”
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