A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 28

Part 28: Passing by

The next time Wei Wei logs into “Dream Voyage in Rivers and Lakes” is already four days later, on a Friday.

Originally, Wei Wei would never touch a game during exam time so as to avoid distractions…now there’s already someone distracting her.

The last time she went online was for the video contract.

In the past few days, with great efficiency, Wei Wei has signed a contract with Feng Teng Games. On Wednesday, Wei Wei sent the contract to Feng Teng’s headquarters in Shanghai. On Thursday, they said that they had already received it. And then, they agreed to give the remuneration stated on the contract to Wei Wei on Friday at 8pm.

The remuneration in the contract is four in-game pets.

In the beginning, the remuneration brought up by Feng Teng was 6,000 in cash. But after considering it for a while, Wei Wei brought up the thought of using in-game pets as substitution for cash as remuneration. Feng Teng is naturally glad at this suggestion; after all, 6,000 would be in real cash while in-game pets are merely a few lines of data to them. Then, both sides spent at least N hours going back and forth about the level and stats of the pets. Finally, Wei Wei’s conditions were met and Feng Teng agreed to give Wei Wei four normal spirit pets with market values of around 20,000 and two types of materials that have extremely low drop rates (when bosses/monsters are killed).

Of course, all these things are not just for Wei Wei herself; YuGong, MonkeyWine and the others all have a share. Even though, the Great Master meant for her to take all of the rewards for herself, Wei Wei still feels that sharing a good thing with everyone else is an even happier thing.

8pm was the agreed upon time. At just 7:30, Wei Wei logs on. After all, after so many days of not playing the game, she still misses it a bit.

At dinner, Great Master said that he was busy at night, and is most likely not online. But when she gets online, Wei Wei still first glances at his avatar — sure enough, it is dim. Read more