A Slight Smile is Very Charming (微微一笑很倾城) : Part 33

Part 33: The path only wide enough for one

Actually, in retrospect, Wei Wei also feels that her own line was very terrifying. But to pick a fight at the door, being imposing was very important. Well, afterwards, it was Wei Wei, using the excuse of being busy, asking Cao Guang to substitute for her and teach a session of basic English to the little boy.

With that, she didn’t have to explain anything else; everything became completely clear.


Since the truth of these kinds of things can easily become distorted, Wei Wei didn’t even tell those in her dorm room about it. The affair had happened so long ago that Wei Wei has pretty much almost forgotten all about it. She simply tells her dorm mates. Xiao Ling exclaims in admiration, “It’s so like a drama. Did Cao Guang have feelings towards you? Why didn’t you guys develop a relationship?”

“Intuition, “ Wei Wei says in contemplation, “Eh?! Perhaps I knew that there would be someone even better later on?”

Everyone is shocked.

Si Si asks, “Then why does the talented Liang girl also speak up for you?”

Wei Wei isn’t too certain about it either, “This person, does she have a very pointy chin, is a bit shorter than me, and has curly waist-length hair?”

Wei Wei describes her based on the remnants of her impression of her.

Si Si nods, “That’s right, that’s her.”

Wei Wei makes an “oh” sound and then her face has an awkward expression on it.

Er Xi shakes her, “Stop keeping us in suspense. Hurry and speak, how do you know her?”

Wei Wei says, “I…think I helped her bargain for a price.”

Er Xi and the others all have on a choked up expression. Read more