It’s been 6 years since they’ve seen each other. Xiao Qiu has clearly been hiding her hurt inside. Now that she meets Li Chuan again, the memories are going to rush right back. But Xiao Qiu is no longer that bright and happy 17 year old girl that Li Chuan left behind. Their reconciliation with each other doesn’t go off too smoothly.
Category: Translations
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 23
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 22
Yup, Xiao Qiu is heading straight towards Li Chuan once again. However, a new “rival” has appeared on scene. I don’t think he’s going to pose much of a threat to Li Chuan and Xiao Qiu’s love though. She’s still got the same attitude towards other guys as before, even though Li Chuan has been gone for so long. Obviously, no one can measure up to him.
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 21
Xiao Qiu has grown up and is now ready to make her way through the working world. This path that she’s on will soon make her collide with someone she’s been forcing herself to forget. But first, we’ll see how well Xiao Qiu fares in the real world.
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 20
Please welcome tofudessert! She’ll also be helping me out with chapters here and there. – LilZah
Life will always go on. We’ve caught a glimpse of how Xiao Qiu is coping from her writings to “her diary.” This chapter, we get to more of Xiao Qiu trying to pick up the pieces of her life.
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 19
The picture above is of winter jasmines which flowers during the winter months. This chapter is the start of many more heartbreaks for both us and Xiao Qiu. Let’s try to get through it quickly, shall we?
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 18
Please welcome ze boba! She’ll be dropping in, once in awhile, to translate and be a huge help to me :). – LilZah
Signs are already starting to drop, indicating that the sweet moments between Li Chuan and Xiao Qiu might be coming to an end. So enjoy them while you can!
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 17
We get to spend some time with Xiao Qiu’s family and see how they react to Li Chuan. He’s such a charmer, how can they resist? 😉
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 16
I find it crazy that she biked for ten hours to get to Kunming. But it definitely fits Xiao Qiu’s personality, not allowing anything to stop her from doing what she’s set her mind on. She also finally gets a chance to take care of Li Chuan in this chapter. A rare occasion!
Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 15
This chapter opens the door a little more to Xiao Qiu’s upbringing. It, hopefully, answers some questions about why she seems mature for her age. I think I’m a little torn between understanding her dad’s actions in this chapter and supporting Xiao Qiu for following in his footsteps. Then again, this chapter setups up nicely for some more time with Li Chuan. 🙂