Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.8 (Final)



When we got back to my place, he took a small basket containing chocolate and a large bundle of cookies he made, pulled me to the door across the hall, and knocked. Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.6



After speaking impatiently into his cell phone, Rene hung up and asked me, “Xiao Qiu, has Li Chuan done anything unusual recently? For example, shown signs of depression or being fidgety and uneasy? Did he say anything out of the ordinary?” Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.5



Our distance was very close, but it still took me a couple of steps.  Once I arrived at his bedside, he held my hand and placed it on his chest.  Like a spark of lightning, I could feel his heart beating softly from my fingertips. His forehead was pale and a few strands of hair that had gotten wet from his cold sweat lay on top.  His face was sunken in and his breathing was faint.  He was skinny and weak, while surrounded by the smell of disinfecting alcohol. Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.4



His face twitched in pain, and the machine began beeping non-stop.  A group of nurses rushed in led by the doctor.
The head nurse said to me quickly, “Miss Xie, the patient is not in a good emotional and health state.  It’s best that you leave.”  She guided me out of the ICU ward right away.  The head nurse came out after an hour.  Seeing that I was still waiting outside of the door standing with a cane while stretching my neck to peek inside, she let out a bitter smile and shook her head. Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.3



I signed the critical condition notice letter.  I saw a man in a white coat with a full head of grey hair in his sixties rushing over to the emergency room.  Rene stood up and called, “(English) Dr. Gong!Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.2



Perhaps they had the wrong number.

I was a little suspicious that it was Li Chuan, so I held the cell phone in my hand, waiting. After a whole hour, the phone never rang again. Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 51.1


Well, here we are at the last chapter of the novel version that we have. However, it’s a ginormous beast of a chapter, so we are going to be splitting it up into multiple posts. Again, apologies that posts are coming slower these days!

CHAPTER 51.1 Read more

Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) : Chapter 50



On Wednesday morning, Xiao Guan and other Jiu Tong employees came to see me, including Tao Xin Ru and Tong Yu Lian.  Ever since I stood him up, I hadn’t been in touch with Xiao Guan.  I heard from Emma that Tao Xin Ru had been following Xiao Guan around even more tightly to the point where he couldn’t do anything about it.  However, Xiao Guan still deeply resented me for turning him down, so I didn’t really want to see him, especially at times when I was at my worst. Read more

Drama Talk: Remembering Li Chuan (遇见王沥川) pre-release thoughts


Now that we are almost through the book and you have been introduced to all the ‘main’ characters, I figured it was time to weigh in a bit on the drama production of Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事). Starring Godfrey Gao (高以翔) and Junyan Jiao (焦俊艳), the drama version called Remembering Li Chuan (遇见王沥川) had already completed filming quite awhile ago. If you haven’t caught up on the chapters that we’ve translated so far, please be warned that there will be some spoilers below. Read at your own risk!

While trailers have been released, there has still been no word on when the actual series will air. Yes, there have been rumors about it airing this year. But that’s seriously all they are. Rumors. There’s a new rumor every couple weeks saying this or that site has updated their information and the series will air soon. At this point, I’ll believe it’ll air on the day it airs.  Hopefully, it will air or be released on “disk” some time within the next year or so, and not be buried forever. How will we get our Godfrey fix?!

Seriously, besides just being able to see Godfrey on screen, I’m keeping my expectations super low. There’s just something about the actress playing Xiao Qiu that just doesn’t seem to cut it for me. I think it’s a combination of her looks and her pretty subpar acting (based on the trailer) that just doesn’t do the Xiao Qiu in my mind justice. And for the record, I don’t actually think Godfrey is that good at acting, based on his previous stuff. I’m purely going for the prettiness right now. I mean, why else would everyone turn their heads when Li Chuan walks by. Right?

The trailer does hint at a lot more conflict coming from the supporting characters though, which is probably necessary for a drama to sustain itself for so many series. Unfortunately, I’m not psyched about any of the characters from what I’ve seen so far. I’m especially sad about how Li Chuan’s grandfather turns out to be so mean and “yell-y” in the drama. He was suppose to be the nice old man who loves Xiao Qiu for his grandson. Actually, he’s not even suppose to really even speak to her as if he knows her. There’s so many little things that have been changed that I don’t want to go into it all. Despite all my whining, though, I am still really anticipating this drama. If only it would just air!

Random thing to point out…it’s not suppose to be snowing in Zurich! While it makes for some nice shots, especially with the snow falling down, I’m just a little disappointed that we will not be getting the sitting by the lake scene. Hopefully, we still get an ample amount of the cuteness in Switzerland as the trailer suggests. Godfrey picking me up at the airport with a handsome smile? Hell yeah, I’m in!

Let us know what your thoughts are on the drama now that we’re almost at the end. Do things actually make some sense now? 😉 Are you still anticipating it?

I’m sure most, if not all, of you have watched the super long trailer already, but here it is again. Doesn’t hurt to look at Godfrey again right?


And, here is a promotional/blurb video in English for the drama with a couple of interesting facts: Video
