Drama Talk: Remembering Li Chuan (遇见王沥川) pre-release thoughts


Now that we are almost through the book and you have been introduced to all the ‘main’ characters, I figured it was time to weigh in a bit on the drama production of Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事). Starring Godfrey Gao (高以翔) and Junyan Jiao (焦俊艳), the drama version called Remembering Li Chuan (遇见王沥川) had already completed filming quite awhile ago. If you haven’t caught up on the chapters that we’ve translated so far, please be warned that there will be some spoilers below. Read at your own risk!

While trailers have been released, there has still been no word on when the actual series will air. Yes, there have been rumors about it airing this year. But that’s seriously all they are. Rumors. There’s a new rumor every couple weeks saying this or that site has updated their information and the series will air soon. At this point, I’ll believe it’ll air on the day it airs.  Hopefully, it will air or be released on “disk” some time within the next year or so, and not be buried forever. How will we get our Godfrey fix?!

Seriously, besides just being able to see Godfrey on screen, I’m keeping my expectations super low. There’s just something about the actress playing Xiao Qiu that just doesn’t seem to cut it for me. I think it’s a combination of her looks and her pretty subpar acting (based on the trailer) that just doesn’t do the Xiao Qiu in my mind justice. And for the record, I don’t actually think Godfrey is that good at acting, based on his previous stuff. I’m purely going for the prettiness right now. I mean, why else would everyone turn their heads when Li Chuan walks by. Right?

The trailer does hint at a lot more conflict coming from the supporting characters though, which is probably necessary for a drama to sustain itself for so many series. Unfortunately, I’m not psyched about any of the characters from what I’ve seen so far. I’m especially sad about how Li Chuan’s grandfather turns out to be so mean and “yell-y” in the drama. He was suppose to be the nice old man who loves Xiao Qiu for his grandson. Actually, he’s not even suppose to really even speak to her as if he knows her. There’s so many little things that have been changed that I don’t want to go into it all. Despite all my whining, though, I am still really anticipating this drama. If only it would just air!

Random thing to point out…it’s not suppose to be snowing in Zurich! While it makes for some nice shots, especially with the snow falling down, I’m just a little disappointed that we will not be getting the sitting by the lake scene. Hopefully, we still get an ample amount of the cuteness in Switzerland as the trailer suggests. Godfrey picking me up at the airport with a handsome smile? Hell yeah, I’m in!

Let us know what your thoughts are on the drama now that we’re almost at the end. Do things actually make some sense now? 😉 Are you still anticipating it?

I’m sure most, if not all, of you have watched the super long trailer already, but here it is again. Doesn’t hurt to look at Godfrey again right?


And, here is a promotional/blurb video in English for the drama with a couple of interesting facts: Video


Intro & Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) – Xuan Yin (玄隐) : Summary

books I recently started reading Chinese internet novels and have become an addict. My English reading speed can be considered above average, but Chinese…not so much. After reading Li Chuan’s Past (沥川往事) and discovering that the series has already been filmed, I decided I needed an English version so that I can quickly flip back and read it over and over again before the series is officially released. I always love reading more than watching, so I am determined to get this done before the series airs (hopefully!)

Maybe it’s the handsomeness of Li Chuan, or the way he takes care of her, or the love between them, or so many other things about this story…but I fell for this story and wanted to share it with everyone who can’t read Chinese. He’s rich and handsome with one imperfection. She’s a country girl thrown into the big city. It’s a love story (of course) between the two, attempting to overcome the harsh realities of what life has dealt. They are separated as a result of a big secret and six years pass before they meet again. While their love remains, six years can really change a person. Especially one who was given no explanation as to why she had been left behind.

The drama version is called Remembering Li Chuan (遇见王沥川) starring Godfrey Gao (高以翔), who is pretty much perfect for the role. In terms of looks, anyway. We’ll see about the acting…for now, am enjoying the prettiness. I’m not going to post a picture of it yet (you can go google it if you want) because I like forming an image in my head through the novels’ descriptions before having someone else cementing a picture for me. Just from the trailers that have been out for quite awhile now, there are a couple of glaring differences between the series and the novel. Hopefully, the meat of it will stay true to the novel. We’ll see when it airs, which is who-knows-when. It was originally slated to air last year, but seems to have been delayed and has no new air date. Hopefully, that allows me to pace myself. I read the entire novel in a day and a half… I’ve done a fair share of translations in the past, but it’s been awhile since I did any translations and I’m not too used to editing my own translations, so please feel free to point out any errors.

Without further ado…

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